Shehu Sani Don Carry Snake Charmers Dem Go JAMB Office Untop N36 Million Wey Spiritual Snake Swallow

Senator Shehu Sani go JAMB headquarters for Abuja today with snake charmers dem so that dem fit help am look for the spiritual snake wey dem yarn say swallow N36 million.


Senator Shehu Sani storms JAMB office with snake charmers to search for the N36 million swallowed by a mystery

Make una read wetin im yarn

I believe that the contribution I can make is to bring snake charmers from my constituency to the JAMB office and to help them fish out the snake and weed out snakes from their premises.”

 “Even if it is a spiritual matter, we believe that these people I brought, they are some of the best snake charmers in the country and they will help in arresting both physical and spiritual snakes if there has been any in the JAMB office.” 

He later presented cartons of snake repellent and chemicals to the agency.

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