19 Year Old Instagram Model Kill Herself Untop Say She No Get Enough Likes (Photos)

Chloe Davison, 19 year old , na one teenage girl wey dey addicted to social media kill herself after she no get enough “likes” on her photos.

Make Una read wetin people talk about herh

Im 20-year-old sister yarn say

“She thought she wasn’t good enough unless she was getting loads of likes and comments,”

“Chloe was crying many nights because someone had said something horrible about her online,”

Her family friend, Nick Coombs yarn say,

“She was addicted to apps like Instagram and Snapchat,”
‘“She would spend hours taking the perfect photo, but would delete it later if it didn’t get popular enough,”

Too many people felt they could say whatever they wanted to the attractive teen because it wasn’t face-to-face.

“She’d get hundreds of messages each day, mostly men asking her for sexual stuff,”

“Sometimes they were nice, but other times they told Chloe they wanted to hurt her.”

Chloe struggled socially at school and rarely went out with friends, instead staying indoors and taking pictures of herself for social media. The pretty 19-year-old was often targeted by online trolls who would send her nasty messages and mocked her appearance.

On Friday night, Chloe’s mum and sister returned home from a bar around 11:30pm, and found the teenager hanging in her bedroom. Chloe had been taking selfies moments before she killed herself.
“When we took her body down, her hair and makeup were still perfect,”

“She was wearing some new lingerie that she’d been excited to model.”


Her mama,  Clair Reynolds

“all she would talk about was how many likes she got,”

I blame social media for what happened. “Social media took over Chloe’s life, whether that be Snapchat or Facebook.”
“ Chloe was beautiful, but she didn’t see that. She cared too much about how other people saw her.”

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